There are plenty of games that have been given an HD makeover in recent years, and for some it was a good choice and some unnecessary. While it may seem like it's a way for companies to cash in on a previous title's success, there are some that truly benefit from the process. Some great examples would be Bionic Commando Rearmed, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and one of my personal favorites Okami. Then there are some unnecessary and bad examples like Silent Hill collection, Flashback, and even Final Fantasy X/X-2. I say the last one because even though X is an okay game, it's not that great, and X-2 is complete shit.
Even though there are many many games that would certainly qualify, let me tell you some of my favorite games (nice picture huh?) that I believe deserve a day of treatment at the HD spa.
5. Contra III: The Alien Wars
Contra for the NES was one of the first games I ever beat, and it's still one of the best 2 player games ever made. So when Konami introduced it's newest title on the Super Nintendo, it didn't disappoint. With awesome weapons, a giant mutant turtle, killer robots, riding on missles, and an incredible soundtrack what's not to love? This is truly one of the best Contra games you can play, and it's among the best SNES games ever made. Konami owes it to themselves to recreate this in HD, because it's not only a badass game, it's a milestone in gaming history.
4. Tenchu
Ninja games don't often appease the desires most gamers expect, so it's understandable they don't do well overall. Tenchu is one of the only franchises that seemed to get a grasp on what a ninja game should truly characterize. Tenchu lets you figure out creative ways to complete your objective, but rewards you on mastering your skills at becoming a shadow. Both the first and second games are alot of fun to play, and it would be great to see these two PlayStation classics reborn with current-gen graphics.
3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania is one of the most memorable franchises in gaming, and are still making games to this day. Another great Konami title that strayed from it's typical formula, and blessed us with something very special. Symphony of the Night was an oddity when released, because almost all games were embracing the 3D style and leaving the side-scroller behind. Using a Super Metroid style of gameplay, and creating a romantic/gothic atmosphere, SOTN delivered one of the best and rewarding experiences in any Castlevania game. Even to this day the game looks and plays great, but this is one title that would benefit the most in high definition and trophy/achievement support. Konami needs to make it happen!
2. Ninja Gaiden
Ask anyone who played the original NES what games are the most memorable, and I guarantee Ninja Gaiden will be one of them. Though this may be one of the most difficult and frustrating games to ever play, it is in fact the game that revolutionized the future of gaming with one crowning achievement. Cinematic cutscenes. Home consoles would build upon and refine this visual aspect in gaming to what we see today. Now Ninja Gaiden may be hard, and it's questionable when someone claims to have beaten it, but it is a fantastic game. The first two games have both a solid storyline and soundtrack, and challenge us to progress further to find out what happens next. I wasn't a fan of the third game in particular, but it's still a part of the trilogy. With the success of Bionic Commando Rearmed, this trilogy would truly shine with an HD revival. I'd only hope that something be done to rework the third game in terms of story and difficulty, because it was next to impossible to get far into the game.
1. Final Fantasy VII
Now before you get up in arms about it, yes I realize a great deal of things concerning this title. I know way too many people cry about how this game should be remade. I know that it's not the best Final Fantasy game in the series. And I know that Square Enix has all but sworn not to remake this, and that it may be better off to not redo it per chance of them ruining it. But for me, this is a special game. It's not the first Final Fantasy I ever played, but it was the first RPG that really caught my imagination and immersed me in hundreds of hours worth of gameplay throughout the years. I agree with many people when they cringe at the thought, and reason that it would probably turn out horrible. I haven't been much of a fan of Square Enix for quite some time, but I would love to see this come to fruition one day. This is the title that catapulted JRPG's into American mainstream, and I think it would be foolish if Square doesn't explore every possibility to make this come to light. On that same note, I would love to see the prequel, Crisis Core, have the opportunity to be re-released one day too. I think they need to change some things with the gameplay, but it was an awesome title for the PSP that alot of people missed out on trying.
So those are the games I'd be happy as hell to play in HD. There's plenty of others I'd like to see besides the ones I listed, but I feel those are the ones that would really impress me and do well with other gamers.
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